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German Council for Sustainable Development

Name: German Council for Sustainable Development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, RNE)

Established in: 2001 (The German Council for Sustainable Development was established by Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in 2001, since then the council has been given a continuously renewed mandate)

Role: The RNE advices on government policy or makes policy recommendations with regard to the implementation of sustainable development in Germany. The council can submit both solicited and unsolicited advice to the government.

Duties: The Council is tasked to: advise the government on its sustainable development policy; present proposals for targets and indicators, to advance the Sustainability Strategy, as well as to propose projects for realisation; foster social dialogue on the issue of sustainability. The objective here is to increase the level of awareness among all concerned and the population as to what sustainable development actually means by demonstrating the consequences of social action and discussing possible solutions

Composition: Its 15 council members are nominated by the Chancellor for a renewable term of three years. The current members were nominated in November 2016.

The secretariat: the RNE has a secretariat consisting of 14 staff members.